Update: skip keyword check for fns in space-before-blocks (fixes #13553) (#13712) (Milos Djermanovic)bfddced
Update: remove suggestion if it didn’t provide a fix (fixes #13723) (#13772) (Milos Djermanovic)5183b14
Update: check template literal in no-script-url (#13775) (YeonJuan)603de04
Update: treat all literals like boolean literal in no-constant-condition (#13245) (Zen)0510621
Update: Fix && vs || short-circuiting false negatives (fixes #13634) (#13769) (Brandon Mills)67c0605
Update: check computed keys in no-prototype-builtins (fixes #13088) (#13755) (Milos Djermanovic)
Bug Fixes
Fix: autofix shouldn’t produce template literals with\8
(#13737) (Milos Djermanovic)b165aa5
Fix: yoda rule autofix produces syntax errors with adjacent tokens (#13760) (Milos Djermanovic)3175316
Fix: prefer-destructuring invalid autofix with comma operator (#13761) (Milos Djermanovic)
Docs: add more examples for no-func-assign (fixes #13705) (#13777) (Nitin Kumar)dee0f77
Docs: add TOC to user-guide/configuring.md (#13727) (metasean)1457509
Docs: fix broken links in Node.js API docs (#13771) (Laura Barluzzi)7c813d4
Docs: Fix typo in v7 migration page (#13778) (Yusuke Sasaki)b025795
Docs: Fix the format option name in the document (#13770) (Hideki Igarashi)1faeb84
Docs: clarify that space-unary-ops doesn’t apply when space is required (#13767) (Taylor Morgan)